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For more information https://d155.diligent.community/Portal
For more information https://d155.diligent.community/Portal
Recent News
Community High School District 155 has taken steps to enhance district safety and security over the summer with the installation of BluePoint Alert Systems in all four buildings. These rapid emergency response systems will immediately notify first responders, school leadership, students, teachers and staff of a threat.
Nearly 86 percent of Community High School District 155’s 2023 graduates will continue their studies at four-year colleges, two-year community colleges, and vocational and technical schools. Over 58 percent percent of the graduating class will pursue degrees at four-year colleges and universities.
The Crystal Lake Food Pantry has opened their commercial kitchen to Haber Oaks students as a resource to practice cooking and food safety.
"It's a really good connection with the community, getting kids clicked into different resources the community has, and possible job opportunities," said Haber Oaks Campus teacher Anne Whitney-Tubridy.
Our School by the Numbers
of Students Take Courses
in Home High School
Employed by Community
Teachers with Master's Degree or Higher